marți, 17 septembrie 2024

Ginyu Haiku Magazine Nr 103. Haiku selected and commented by Ban'ya Natsuishi


alarmă aeriană -
de-a v-ați ascunselea
nu mai e un joc


air raid alarm -
playing hide and seek
is no longer a game

nimeni și nimic –
doar câte un gard,
sprijin la drum

no one and nothing –
only a fence to lean on
on my way

tic-tac oprit  –
unele ceasuri merg
doar în pereche

tick-ticking off –
some clocks are made
to be in pair only

ceasornic vechi
repornit de spirite –
să zâmbesc sau nu

my old watch
restarted by spirits –
to smile or not

carte cu lipsuri –
în spațiile goale
puteai fi tu

book gaps –
in the empty spaces
could be you

ușă forțată -
numai iedera stă
cum vrea zidul

forcing the door out  -
only the ivy stands
as the wall wants to


rejected call –
the warm psithurism,
another option

apel respins –
șoapta frunzișului cald,
altă opțiune


Thank for your sincere and original haiku!

The 1st haiku expresses your critical situation near Ukraine to appeal well to my heart.

The 2nd is a touching poem of your solitude.

The 5th suggests your lost sweetheart.

                                          Ban'ya Natsuishi


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