miercuri, 26 iunie 2024

Revue d’arts littéraires ENTREVOUS - No.25, Canada, Juin 2024

Une vague d’air saharien a fait sortir bien plus tôt les êtres endormis sous
la couverture de neige. Fraîcheur du ciel, déjà le parfum d’un lilas. Et un
vinyle : Jacques Brel, Ne me quitte pas. Une hirondelle a heurté une vitre.
Elle gît, inerte, sur le rebord de la fenêtre, dans une douce lumière.
oiseau mourant
un papillon dans son bec –
aigle en piqué

Quelques kilomètres de marche. Me voilà à l’orée d’un champ d’herbes
aromatiques constellé de rares pétales colorés. Aucune abeille, que des
rats déchiquetés par les oiseaux. Contrariée, je lève les yeux au ciel. Un
avion s’approche en répandant une bruine laiteuse.
pesticides –
un enfant dessine
un papillon sur une fleur

joi, 20 iunie 2024

marți, 28 mai 2024

Délice des mots, délices du palais


 Eléonore Nickolay et Françoise Maurice



cerises mûres
accrochées aux oreilles -
verger de l'hôpital



sâmbătă, 11 mai 2024


 Editor: Strider Marcus Jones 

 Haibun Poems:

The poet

A flock of sheep crosses the orchard, mashing golden overripe plums under their hooves. It smells like grandma's old hearth boiling jams. Ahead of me, a convoy of villagers meanders on the path without horizon, waking the ancestral dust from its numbness. Some people complain about the hard times, some say jokes. They know a lot about all things, and next to nothing about the man they follow on the last road, except that he roamed the hills and wrote poems...            

the leaves no longer fall                          

at the poet's house –





The hand that used to rest on my shoulder, no longer opens the door. No one waters the flowers and dreams anymore...Even this fuliginous cloud spreads its shadow and moves on. How desolate our walnut tree swing is! Now and then only a snail swings, or this fog, which can’t be waltzed away by wind. Some twigs snap under imaginary steps, or maybe not.

I watch obsessively the barren land, letting only a shadow rise. Always the same...

deep mist –

the bitter taste of

aerial roots




The inclement weather has ruined my plans of mountain hiking. The path turned muddy. Wet birds watch me sliding towards the yellow water while trying to get hold of branches. The nenuphars make place for me. Daylight only flows into the stork's eggs. Perhaps, it’s not by chance that I’am here. I could find out how long it takes for indifference to become concern. People pass by, engrossed in their cell phones.

falling stars –

equally vulnerable

                      the sky and man

miercuri, 27 martie 2024

Ginyu No. 101 - International Haiku Magazine

 Selected by Ban'ya Natsuishi


pământ pârjolit -

tot mai plină fântâna

cu șerpi de apă

scorched earth –

more and more water snakes

in the fountain



robot la ușă –

de după casă vine

iz de Ev Mediu


robot at the front door –

in backyard of the house,

a Middle Ages air



urme de sânge

pe drumeagul spre casă –

lup cu lunetă


traces of blood

along the way home –

sniper wolf


freamăt de frunze
în curtea azilului –
vin îngeri noi
leaves rustling
in the yard of the asylum –
new angels are coming


planetă razna –

clepsidra virtuală

nu mai stă dreaptă


crazy planet –

the virtual hourglass

no longer upright



masă festivă –

un copil cântă melc, melc

ieși să te hrănesc


festive meal -

a child sings to a snail

come out and be fed



parc încenușat –

copii nenăscuți

bat din picioare


park under ashes –

unborn children stamp

their feet

sâmbătă, 3 februarie 2024



André-Jacob-Entrevous annual competition.

Le prix André-Jacob–Entrevous, 2023, a été décerné à Lavana Kray.

34 candidatures, pour un grand total de 115 créations « mots / image ».


Mot d’André Jacob

Société littéraire canadienne

Dans les quatre scènes extérieures qu’elle a photographiées en tons de gris, Lavana Kray invite à voir au-delà de chaque mouvement dans la nature. D’un seul coup d’oeil, l’artiste donne un sens à ce qui échappe aux promeneurs insouciants et peu sensibles à la richesse d’évènements somme toute banals : une brindille qui plie sous le poids de la neige, le reflet d’un échassier qui se nourrit en bord de mer, un oiseau qui se repose sur un garde-fou, le bras d’un nageur qui émerge du ressac d’une vague. Autant d’interrogations sur la puissance évocatrice de ce qui vit à un moment précis.

En référence à l’état des lieux et des saisons évoqués subtilement, le regard de la photographe crée un espace propice aux émotions. Sans artifices, sans bavardages ni explications raisonnées, à elles seules ses images incitent à des  méditations sur la vie, invitent à marcher en silence à côté d’elle pour apprendre à observer et à animer notre vie intérieure avec finesse, sérénité et harmonie.Et il y a plus : en liant très intimement ses images et les mots de sa poésie brève, les interprétations enluminées du présent de chacun peuvent faire ressortir – comme dans un miroir – des expériences et des souvenirs marquants sur « la route de la vie » alors que dans la mémoire, « le sifflement du vent » emporte tout « entre terre et eau ».

En un mot, le présent vit intensément à travers le regard profond de l’artiste, à travers une création qui invite au rêve ou au partage de confidences.

vineri, 19 ianuarie 2024

duminică, 3 decembrie 2023

luni, 20 noiembrie 2023

NeverEnding Story First English-Chinese Bilingual Haiku and Tanka Blog

 Translated by Chen-ou Liu

English Original

Children's Day --
on daddy's chair
his combat helmet

Lavana Kray

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

兒童節 --

Translation result


Chinese Translation (Simplified)

儿童节 --

duminică, 19 noiembrie 2023


 Selected and commented by Ban'ya Natsuishi.



un fel de ceață
ce nu se disipează -
cuget confuz

a kind of fog 
that never lifts -
fuzzy intellect
înapoi la cer
așa cum am venit,
cu mintea goală

back to the sky
as I came 

mâna ei întinsă,
peninsulă uscată -
flori virtuale

her outstretched hand,
drying peninsula -
virtual flowers

purtată de vânt
o sămânță de vorbă -
nu ară nimeni

carried by the wind
a seed of talk -
no one plows anymore

voal de cenușă
pe crizanteme albe -
bătrân cu foarfecă

veil of ash 
over white chrysanthemums -
old man with scissors

inteligență artificială -
se taie stejărișul
pentru o parcare

artificial intelligence -
cutting down oak trees 
for a parking lot

mor pădurile -
cruci din plastic
prin cimitire

forest dying out -
plastic crosses
in graveyards

joi, 9 noiembrie 2023

Autumn Moon Haiku Journal 7:1 Autumn/Winter 2023-2024



no sign of remission--
a woman dancing under snowfall
in the hospital yard

nici un semn de regres--
femeie dansând prin ninsoare
pe alei de spital

vineri, 3 noiembrie 2023




City suffocated by heatwaves and face masks. Early in the morning, already on the road to the mountain, we get stuck in a traffic jam that pushed drivers out of their cars, yelling by the roadside. A few cyclists overtake us, some slow-moving sheep pass us by, while a cloud grows crane wings. I close my eyes and turn ambient music with rain sounds on, leaving my thoughts to wander barefoot in a glade of wild mint, birds, butterflies and ozone.

village on fire –
two storks chop up
the sky

marți, 17 octombrie 2023

Drifting Sands Haibun, Issue 23 September 2023 Edited by Marion Clarke

 Dwindling Away

The more people she surrounded herself with, the more enticing solitude became, and so she left. After years, I’m going to look for her.
Today, my path clings to the river and turns inland to become a sea of sand, with burdock flowers and scarlet dragonflies on its crests. 
Atop an old lighthouse, two storks chop up the sky. While looking for a house, I come across a simple shelter. In a mollusk shell, a trace of ash.

inner cold–
to make a fire or a ladder
of the dry tree



Five Photo Poems – (words only)                                

Honeycomb – Flash Fiction/Haibun



air raid -

hot bread breeze

from across the border



mother’s ground -

the wind wears

a crown of chrysanthemums


hay bed -

La vie en rose

on the radio


shed snake skin

on the path -

face lifting day


WWW blocked -

I walk along the path

of other creatures


Honeycomb – Flash Fiction


I knock on our house door, but it's not my mother who opens. Seeing my doubt in front of the door, the wind smacks it against the wall. Something that looks like a being, a steamy silhouette wearing a long flowery printed dress swirls around, engulfs me, while its imprints fly all over the room. What a fresh, plum blossom scent! Suddenly, the wind calms down, the clouds wash out, and the ghost is gone, but all these white petals left on the floor are a sign that I'm not the only one coming home now and then...


honeycomb –

a butterfly alights

on the sweet knife