luni, 17 februarie 2025


 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Ban'ya Natsuishi


mase de oase
peste secole de oase –
apă potabilă

bone masses
over centuries of bones –
drinking water
aeroport –
un suflu necunoscut
arde aripi

airfield –
an unknown blow
is burning wings
mastectomie –
îmbrățișând cireșul
de ziua mamei

mastectomy –
hugging the cherry tree
on Mother's day

copil scotocind
în haina tatălui –
castane coapte

child rummaging
in father's coat –
roasted chestnuts
pătuț de copil –
crește văzând cu ochii,

growing visible to the naked eye,
the mold


marți, 28 ianuarie 2025

Never Ending Story / One Man's Maple Moon


 Translated by Chen-ou Liu

English Original

only few left
to hug on New Year's Eve --
two reflections
in the cracked window,
Mt. Fuji and the old man

Excellence, the Nineth Mt. Fuji Tanka Contest,  2024

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

在除夕夜相互擁抱 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

在除夕夜相互拥抱 --
Comment by Chen-ou Liu:
 Ls 1-2 describe an unexpected and less joyful New Year's Eve scene, setting the theme and mood; and L3-5 might give a hint of what's happening in their preceding lines.

Symbocally rich Ls 3&4, two "reflections" in the "cracked" window, are poignant, adding emotional weight to the tanka.

And socioculturally significant and spiritually rich Mt. Fuji in L5 might give this lonely, poor old man the strength to face the challenges in the coming year.
 Ls 1-2 descriu o scenă neașteptată și mai puțin veselă din ajunul Anului Nou, stabilind tema și atmosfera; iar L3-5 ar putea da un indiciu a ceea ce se întâmplă în rândurile lor anterioare.

Ls 3&4, bogate din punct de vedere simbolic, două „reflecții” în fereastra „crăpată”, sunt emoționante, adăugând greutate emoțională tanka.

Iar Mt. Fuji din L5, semnificativ din punct de vedere sociocultural și bogat din punct de vedere spiritual, ar putea să-i dea acestui bătrân singuratic și sărac puterea de a face față provocărilor din anul care vine.

miercuri, 15 ianuarie 2025

LOTHLORIEN POETRY JOURNAL, January 2025, Editor Strider Marcus Jones


A piece of heaven for tourists with its fauna and flora, the Danube Delta is tough on the locals living on a strip of land, as they are dependent on boats at all times. Many of them drifted away like floating reeds, but the elders remained. They are deeply rooted in the banks of the Danube. It’s a mild, autumn day, same as it was fifty years ago, when the cranes were leaving and the fisherman brought Kira by boat to be his bride.

He fares her back now; there is no graveyard here...

                             scythe on shoulder –

                             how beautifully grows the grass

                             in her eyes



               Hidden paths

In the harsh light of noon, the woman’s hand over the eyes trembles like a broken wing She lowered the garden fence, so she can see as far as the horizon, where someone appears now and then, but never reaches her. As the  sparrows are dozing off among blue morning glories, the silence seems too hard to be broken, but a ship’s horn sounds and some ray of hope is flitting across her blushing face. Time to pull off the weeds on the pathway home again...

two cups of tea  –

coming at the right time

a cloud of rain




There comes a day that seems like the very last one, when you feel the urge to take the final steps, where you also took your first, so I take my backpack and head to the train station. Once arrived, I wend my way through the blue-eyed thistles (childhood friends). Everything is unchanged, only the forest looks like a defeated army. A motorbike raises a monster of dust who is about to engulf me, but rain drops collapse it. I finally can see my slumped shoulders house and a fluttering flowered dress.

                         homesickness –

greeting me with open arms          

the scarecrow

luni, 6 ianuarie 2025

The Pan Haiku Review issue 4 (December 2024)


The Pan Haiku Review issue 4 (December 2024)
haibun & tanka-bun edition
Winter 2024

PHR4 editor: Alan Summers

Parking lots

There was still grass here last year, now it’s a new parking lot. A burning-hot asphalt carpet laid over the flower bed, in front of my grandparents' house, where I have always returned, enjoying the orchard, and the little lake that has dried up in the meantime.

Fewer trees, many more parking lots, so they cut down the orchards too.

The only one left is chainsaw redefined, I feel it's my grandfather's walnut tree, by the way he holds the head bowed, looking at his beloved land.


the branches of a tree

tied up behind its back –

tightlipped birds



I knock on our house door, but it's not my mother who opens. Seeing my doubt in front of the door, the wind smacks it against the wall. Something that looks like a being, a steamy silhouette wearing a long flowery printed dress, swirls around, engulfs

me, while its imprints fly all over the room. What a fresh plum blossom scent!

Suddenly, the wind calms down, the clouds wash out, and the ghost is gone, but all these white petals left on the floor are a sign that I'm not the only one coming home now and then...


honeycomb –

a butterfly alights

on the sweet knife


 Judge: Emiko Miyashita (Haiku poet)

 Judge: Yuzo Ono (Haiku poet)

ramshackle house --
in a bicycle basket
chirping baby birds

duminică, 22 decembrie 2024

The Nineth Mt. Fuji Tanka Grand Prize Award (Japan) 2024

 Nominated for  Excellent


very few left
to hug on New Year's Eve -
two white reflections
in the same cracked window,
Mt. Fuji and the old man

sâmbătă, 7 decembrie 2024

sâmbătă, 30 noiembrie 2024

luni, 4 noiembrie 2024

Failed haiku nr. 104 - November 2024


Long time ago, the old man lost his belongings along with his
personal library. Sometimes, he takes his walking stick and the
faded hat and goes down into the city to look for books. He knows an easy access point to the paper recycling bin, then piles everything there is to read into a bag and returns to his world of sunflower walls and cloud ceiling. From the hump of the horizon, streak lightnings spread out all over and the enamel sky cracks.

world, where to?
the truth lies
in sunflower fields

miercuri, 30 octombrie 2024

Kyoto Haiku Project / Writing on the “Peace”, October 2024

change of season -

children planting cherry trees

in the scorched orchard 


the rain is over -

children playing badminton 

over the barbed wire 


air raid siren - 

unfinished chalk pigeon

in the schoolyard 


war orphan -

searching for a kindred spirit

in the woods

miercuri, 23 octombrie 2024

Akita International - Haiku beyond Earth「天上俳句会」By Hidenori Hiruta , October 23

Inspired by my ten English haiku, Hidenori Hiruta translated them literally into Japanese short poems first of all.


As a result, four interpretative Japanese poems of 5, 7, 5 pattern are added to the English haiku as above. Some of them might be haiku(俳句), and others senryū(川柳). 


And six of the English haiku are interpreted into Japanese tanka(短歌)poems of 5,7,5,7,7 pattern.

This is because English is different from Japanese. 


compelled to leave –

a thistle from home

worn on the shawl



where there’s hay,

that’s where I’m home –

rigged maps



burnt orchard –

flying starlings scatter

cherry pits



blind windows –

I follow the light

of the third eye



forehead in the grass –

a caterpillar falls on

the tattooed butterfly



grazing land –

in the wake of grasshoppers,

acid rain



mankind, where to?

passing through ruins,

a duck with duckling



stranded dolphins –

we miss the hole point

of this act



atop a haystack –
cricket concert



road facing window –
a pile of medicines
next to a quince


miercuri, 2 octombrie 2024

Talking about strawberries all of the time / October 2024

 Talking about strawberries all of the time is an online literary journal based out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and was founded by Malcolm Curtis in the summer of 2018.


miercuri, 25 septembrie 2024

Under the Bashō 2024 / Haibun


                             Rustling shadows

Day after day, after day, after day, until one day...

And then, not even a day goes by and someone

(someone else) comes to clean up the place...

Few garbage bags: our memories.


rustling shadows –


an origami crane 

                         through the shredder

       Foșnet de umbre

Zi după zi, după zi, după zi, până într-o zi...

Apoi, după nici măcar o zi, vine cineva (altcineva) și face curățenie generală...

Câțiva saci menajeri: amintirile noastre.


foșnet de umbre –


un cocor origami 


                         în tocător de foi