sâmbătă, 5 mai 2018

Haiga Online--Tree Challenge--Spring 2018

Photo Haiga by Lavana Kray

"Lavana is from Iasi, Romania. Photographer and writer, her haiku have been widely published. In addition to being a frequent contributor to Haigaonline, she has also appeared in Daily Haiga, and at the World Haiku Association where she has been awarded the status of Master Haiga Artist. In addition, she has been featured three times in NHK's Haiku this Photo galleries 004, 005 and 007. More work may be seen on her blog, Photo-Haiku.
We are pleased to have this portfolio of four photo haiga that she sent us in response to our Tree Challenge. See the nuance with which photo and poem explore the association of trees with memory and emotion!"
                  Linda Papanicolaou


Publicația The Heron's Nest a ales unul dintre haikuurile mele trimise în timp, pentru a fi publicat într-o carte despre haiku.


birthday -

a gathering of moths

on my paisley shawl


aniversare -

întrunire de molii

pe un șal de lână

marți, 1 mai 2018

International Haiku Magazine GINYU No. 78/2018

Edited and commented by Ban'ya Natsuishi


wheatstone sound -

the political field

empty of content


se ascute coasa -

goală de conținut

sola politicii


radioactive cloud -

vanilla  smell

from pastry shop


nor radioactiv -

miros de vanilie
de la patiserie

"These two haiku suggest well this world stained by human stupidity"