sâmbătă, 19 aprilie 2014

MAINICHI- Annual Selection 2013

Selected and commented on by Isamu Hashimoto

Aug. 15, 2013

five o'clock tea—
my shadow goes always
to my neighbour's yard 
Comment: * You are going to have some interaction with the neighbor. 

Composing a delectable haiku masterpiece

"With respect, I would like to point out four very important factors in composing haiku in English. First is the "punch line." The last line or the final word is supposed to serve as a stopper or "bung" in the haiku — similar to the humorous punch lines seen in party jokes, on a superficial level. However, in haiku, the punch line is very different from that of simple jokes. Haiku must have resonance, connecting with readers' imaginations. Think about Basho's haiku (1694-1944): amusing and / gradually saddening / cormorant fishing boat (tr. by IH). The last line in haiku can be interchanged.
Secondly, a "kigo," or seasonal reference, is desirable. It makes the haiku deeper, penetrating further into human life or the entity of things. Every country has its own seasons. Haiku poets should use them in their own way.
Thirdly, abbreviations: "The shorter the better" indeed applies to haiku in English.
Fourth is the simple sketch. The composer must depict the tip of the iceberg, while implying a vast, submerged underworld.
On every haiku published here in 2013 (about 300 pieces), I provided a comment. Please enjoy them, and don't be angry, gentlewomen and gentlemen, if yours is not highly respected!"

                             ISAMU HASHIMOTO

2 comentarii:

  1. Involuntar, acest profu apreciază epigrama ro ... cu poanta-n final !
    cu stima,
